Shannon Foster, Chief Human Relations Officer
O: 405-879-4770 E: sfoster@newmarkrp.com
Beginning her career with us in 2001, Shannon Foster has been involved in many aspects of the firm’s growth and operations. Through 3 mergers, 3 brand changes, and enormous growth since 2001, Shannon has been an integral part of our leadership. Shannon's contributions include: Change Leadership, Team Building, Project Management, Human Resources, Benefits Administration, Event Coordination, Social Media, Photography, and Website development. As Chief Human Relations Officer, Shannon’s responsibilities include developing and managing the company’s culture, recruiting and onboarding new hires, and maintaining benefits. Shannon is responsible for much of the day-to-day operations and back-office process relating to the brokerage firm. Her passion for photography and uncanny perspective can be seen in many of the vivid images used for marketing pieces and displayed throughout the walls in our offices. Shannon also helps to promote community involvement throughout the company.
“Our firm contributes to so many nonprofit organizations throughout the year. It’s great to be a part of such a giving environment. In the Spring we host a company event that kicks off the Arts Festival and benefits Allied Arts. We have a big United Way campaign every fall that almost every employee / broker participates in. In 2012 our CEO spear headed Little Willie’s Triple Dog Dare, which has become an annual, much anticipated event in downtown Oklahoma City. This stair climb contributes proceeds to the Homeless Alliance and Sunbeam Family Services. Members of our company work hard every year to pull off this amazing event which I’ve been blessed to be a part of. We encourage every person in our company to get involved in the community. We love our communities and strive to do our part to contribute and give back.
Shannon received her Bachelor of Science from the University of Central Oklahoma where she studied Psychology and Sociology.