Oklahoma's GSA Investment Management Specialists

Specializing in the Sale of Government-Leased and Investment Grade Properties

GSA Investment Specialists (GIS) deal exclusively in General Services Administration (GSA) investment product across the U.S. – a sector that is infamous for its complex deal structure but equally appealing for its superior yield, stable occupancy, and limited financial risk.  This complex industry is no place for novices, and we're far from it. As GSA experts, we provide a full spectrum of related services, ranging from site sourcing for developers pursuing contracts to completed, occupied and stabilized investments that are backed by the full faith and credit of the Federal Government.

During turbulent and tranquil economies alike, GSA-leased properties consistently rank among the most reliable real estate assets in the nation.


Our Formula. Albert Einstein said "The only source of knowledge is experience". We have a combined over 50 years of experience in CRE.

Our Game Plan. We provide site sourcing for developers and creating value for our clients in the sale of their assets.

Our Passion. We specialize in only GSA and VA Assets providing our clients with a formula for creating value

GSA Market Forecast

Sequestration will cause delays in lease signings and new deals.

Pent up demand for space will continue but should start to open up by the end of the year.

VA will continue to be one of the shining stars in new leases and projects. 


The GSA Value Formula

The Client Needs. A comprehensive understanding of the client's needs as it relates to the assignment

The Property Underwriting.
A complete understanding of the "Paper"; the SFO, SLA's and myriad of Forms from the 1217 to the 1364

The Execution. A Combination of our Value Matrix and Marketing Method resulting in the Client Experience